These policies represent the constitution of the consortium,
including the standard conditions for membership. They may be revised by a
majority decision of the Management Board.
- The aim of the consortium is to promote and enable the use
of Linux kernel based systems for professional audio use.
- The consortium will be steered by a Management Board,
comprising one representative from each member project or company. The
Management Board will meet at least once a year. Should a management decision
be put to a vote, each representative will have one vote, with the Chair
having a casting vote in the event of a tie.
- Day to day administration of the consortium will be performed by a
Director, who will answer to the Management Board.
- consortium members will respect copyright and all software
licences. In collaborative projects, there will be no leakage of code from
libre to proprietary software, or vice versa.
- The consortium prefers open standards and file formats.
However, it recognises that reverse engineering of proprietary formats is
sometimes required to enable interoperability.